Siôn ar Cân i Gymru (eto)
Siôn got into the annual televised Welsh language song contest, "Cân i Gymru" for the third year in a row! This time with his brand new song "Pethau Yn Newid" (things changing). I went down to see him in Abertawe with mam & dad and a lovely group of our friends. Our sister couldn't make it this year as she is in New Zealand at the moment.
Here he is:
I will also be on s4c, next Sunday (the 17th of March), on the popular walking show, Am Dro! We filmed it last summer.
The band and I will be performing in Gwyl Y Pethau Bychain on Saturday evening, in the Canolfan Owain Glwyndwr, Machynlleth, with support from the wonderful Nel Jenkins.
Welwn ni chi yno! Liam
p.s. Big news!! Rydan ni'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr iawn i mynd i'r Wyl Pan-Geltaidd yn Carlow ym mis Ebrill!