My Love (is bigger than you're whole world)
[English below] Mae fy mrawd a finnau wedi bod yn sgwennu caneuon gyda'n gilydd ers cyfnod hir rŵan. Dyma gân o'n "back-catalogue", wedi'i ysgrifennu nôl ym Metws-y-coed yng nghanol y 2010au, wn ni ddim pryd yn union. Roedd y gân yn poblogaedd iawn gyda'n gynulleidfaoedd ar y pryd (roedden ni'n berfformio o dan enw arall adeg yna).
Buom ni'n recordio'r gân yn 2018 yn Rhydychen gyda'n ffrindiau, Nico a Jakes (sydd bellach yn berfformio o dan yr enw, Pecq, ewch i wrando arnyn nhw!), ond ni ryddhaom y gân oherwydd doeddwn ni ddim yn gigio lot gyda'r prosiect erbyn hynny, gan fod ni'n ddau yn bwy mewn dinasoedd gwahanol.
Cafodd y fideo cwl eu greu gan ein chwarae bach, Ciara! Rydan ni'n caru hi yn fawr iawn.
Mae gennon ni prosiect newydd yn bellach, fel rydach chi wedi sylwi, felly, dyma chi'r gân "bwdl ldl lwm bwm bwm", o'r diwedd! Mwynhewch.
My brother and I have been writing songs together for a while now. Here's one from our back catelogue. We came up with this little ditty while jamming on the piano in our family home in Betws-y-coed at somepoint towards the middle of the 2010s, not sure when exactly. It was a hit with audiences at the time (we performed under a different name back then).
We recorded the song in Oxford in 2018 with our friends Nico and Jakes (who now perform under the name Pecq, checl them out!), but then we ended up not releasing it, because we weren't gigging that much with that band at the time due to us living in different cities.
The awesome video was made by our wonderful sister, Ciara Rickard!
Since then, as you've noticed, we started this new project! :D So, the time came to release the "bobl lobl lom bom bom" song at last! Enjoy :)
My love, my love is bigger than your whole world. It grows, it grows and conquers everything My heart, my heart is beating just for you, And for your love I would do anything
I can't help it, I'm in love with you You're the only thing I want to do
My heart, my heart, is hotter than the brightest star It grows it grows, and burns up everything Your eyes, your eyes, they carry me oh so far And for one look, I would do anything
For your eyes For your heart For your love
I can't help it, I'm in love with you You're the only thing I want to do
My love is bigger and brighter than anything My love will set you on fire and burn you up My love is bigger and brighter than anything You can imagine
My love is bigger and brighter than anything My love will set you on fire and burn you up My love is bigger and brighter than anything You can imagine
Credits: Siôn Rickard - lead vocals, ukelele, main composer Liam Rickard - backing vocals, guitar, bass Niko O'Brien - drums, e-guitar, production Hannah Jakes - keys, production
Recorded & produced in Oxford by Upcycled Sounds